Infos Ciné
Le site des amoureux de cinéma

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Warning: file_get_contents( Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! in /htdocs/fr/serieSheet.php on line 7

Warning: Attempt to read property "name" on null in /htdocs/fr/serieSheet.php on line 9

Warning: Attempt to read property "poster_path" on null in /htdocs/fr/serieSheet.php on line 10

Warning: Attempt to read property "first_air_date" on null in /htdocs/fr/serieSheet.php on line 11

Warning: Attempt to read property "overview" on null in /htdocs/fr/serieSheet.php on line 12

Warning: Attempt to read property "adult" on null in /htdocs/fr/serieSheet.php on line 13

Warning: Attempt to read property "episode_run_time" on null in /htdocs/fr/serieSheet.php on line 14

Warning: Attempt to read property "vote_average" on null in /htdocs/fr/serieSheet.php on line 15

Warning: Attempt to read property "vote_count" on null in /htdocs/fr/serieSheet.php on line 17

Warning: Attempt to read property "number_of_episodes" on null in /htdocs/fr/serieSheet.php on line 18

Warning: Attempt to read property "number_of_seasons" on null in /htdocs/fr/serieSheet.php on line 19


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Warning: Attempt to read property "production_countries" on null in /htdocs/fr/serieSheet.php on line 49
Note de InfosCiné : Pas encore noté

Warning: Attempt to read property "production_companies" on null in /htdocs/fr/serieSheet.php on line 125
Musique : Sergio Ruiz de Gamboa

Casting: (Laissez le pointeur de la souris sur la photo ou le nom pour le voir affiché entièrement)